• Location:
    Colle Val d’Elsa (Siena) – Italy
  • Owner:
    Sig.ra Gaia Toninelli di Montecarlo e Catelli Dr. Michele
  • Customer:
    Sig.ra Gaia Toninelli di Montecarlo e Catelli Dr. Michele
  • Developing period:
    2008 - 2012
  • Works budget:
    € 2.778.503,00
  • Performance status:
  • Performed activity:
    Assistance to preliminary, definitive and final architectural planning and architectural works direction; preliminary, definitive and final preliminary, definitive and final project and works direction planning and structural works direction; works measurement and accountancy; accessory services such as: buildings and existing structures survey and graphic rendering; coordination of professionals activities; relationship and contracts with building companies.
  • Works:
  • Assignment commissioned to:
    Eng. Raffaele Fuser for Tre Erre Ingegneria Srl

The complex of buildings constituting Podere Mollano is located inside the “Montagnola Senese” landscape park, along the river Elsa.

The buildings are probably dated back to the first half of 1200, but the have been surely completely restored at the end of 1800. We find a main body and three annexed buildings.

The load-bearing walls of all buildings are made of stones and lime, the floors are “volterranea” style or timber-wood and hollow flat tiles while roofing has been realized half-timber with bent roofing tile mantle.

The design regards intervention of structural adaptation, needed in order to improve the structure seismic behaviour, without modification to the original valuable architectural feature and typology.